Enemy Stats, HUD, and Beastiary

Anthony Palermo - 4/14/2023

Over the course of this week, I have primarily been working on implementing stats to the enemies. The  three stats we have given to the enemies are ATK, CON, and INT. ATK is pretty obvious in that it increase the damage of the enemies attacks and abilities. The CON stat increases enemy health. Finally, the INT stat reduces the cooldowns of enemies abilities. These stats scale based on which floor of the dungeon the player is on, resulting in more dangerous enemies on the lower floors.

A good chunk of my time with the stats was trying to find the right equation to calculate how the stats effect the damage, health, and cooldowns. I wanted to implement it so that as the stats increase, the effects the stats had on their given effect diminishes. For example, if the ATK stat was 20 the damage would increase by 20%, then if the ATK stat was 50 the damage increase would be around 35%. This would result in a difficulty curve that meant higher floors would not scale to a point to having too high stats. However for the sake of time and importance of the stats, when I was not able to find a means to do this in such a short time period, I instead had a simple linear scaling to the stats and their effect.

We also wanted to add some additional elements to the player's HUD. We are going to had symbols that show what the abilities the player has access to and what their mana cost is. While we currently don't have art to show the player the ability, I have made a the UI element for the HUD and it properly displays the amount  of mana an ability costs and what button activates it. I also need to have a specification of a difference between 0 mana cost ability and the lack of an ability tied to an input.

Finally I began working on the Beastiary encyclopedia which will give the player information about the enemies. This will act as a codex for the enemies, their abilities, and will also be where all the skill trees for the player are. The Beastiary will show the player what abilities the enemy has and what they do, they will have a skill tree that will give them a means to unlock these abilities for themselves, and show the player how to use said abilities. Most of what I have done for this over this week has been planning the design of the encyclopedia and nothing has actually been put into the game for this beyond the skill trees that are already in.

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